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If you love someone...

Assalamualaikum wbt...
Alhamdulillah masih lagi berkemampuan untuk menulis di sini. Baru selesai berlatih role play untuk kelas Spanish. Agak penat dan seronok. Ketawa je lebih. Berlakonnya tak pun. Susah rupanya jadi pelakon ini. Ingat lepas habis nak terus tidur tapi tiba-tiba teringin nak surf internet then terjumpalah satu note yang sangat menarik perhatian aku. Tajuk dia IF YOU LOVE SOMEONE.. Aku nak berjiwang sat!^___^

If you love someone because you think that he or she is really gorgeous...
then it's not love... It's ~INFATUATION~...

If you love someone because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think that you shouldn't...
then it's not love... It's ~COMPROMISE~...

If you love someone because you think that you cannot live without his touch...
then it's not love... It's ~LUST~...

If you love someone because you have been kissed by him...
then it's not love... It's ~INFERIORITY COMPLEX~...

If you love someone because you cannot leave him thinking that it would hurt his feelings...
then it's not love... It's ~CHARITY~...

If you love someone because you share everything with him...
then it's not love... It's ~FRIENDSHIP~...

but.. If you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he is stable and you cry for him... 
that's ~LOVE~...

If you get attracted to other people but stay with him without any regrets...
that's ~LOVE~...

If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to...
that's ~LOVE~.

Sambil mengadap en.laptop aku terfikir-fikir.......... Apa yang aku fikir aku pun tak tahu... Apa yang sebenarnya aku nak cakap ini... Aku pun tak pasti... Sesungguhnya aku bukanlah orang yang sesuai untuk bercakap soal cinta ini. Sebab aku pun dah lupa rasa bercinta sesama manusia tu macam-mana (means antara lelaki dan perempuan). Kadang-kadang tu pernah jugalah teringat cinta-cinta monyet dulu. Tapi ingat bukan kerana sayang. Hanya kadang-kala aku terkenang..

p/s: hidup ini ibarat air sungai yang mengalir. Kita tidak akan boleh menyentuh air yang sama dua kali kerana arus yang telah berlalu akan terus berlalu tanpa kembali lagi.. So enjoy every moment of life...


ulfa said... [Klik sini untuk balas]

mida..xfolow aku pun???

cik dila said... [Klik sini untuk balas]

pn.ulfa yg sgt2 aku kasihi..telah aku mem"follow" kamu dengan begitu lame skali..sila perhatikan betul2 followers anda.ada terselit aku di situ...yg bernama "cik dila"...huhuuu..miss u soooo much!!!!

Absarina Surfina said... [Klik sini untuk balas]

Mid, mmg best la kata-kata ni....like2...

cik dila said... [Klik sini untuk balas]

@ain atiqah alamak..lepas ni kita kena letak button like pulak lah..baru senang ain nk like2..heheh

E n t o y C a i r o said... [Klik sini untuk balas]

x suka jiwang2,hehe...

cik dila said... [Klik sini untuk balas]

@E n t o y C a i r o yolahh tuu ceq fahmi..entah2 die la kaki jiwang sejati...hehehh

Anonymous said... [Klik sini untuk balas]


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